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Rescue Orphans 

AGI will work with the Government of Zambia's Police Services and Social Workers to rescue children that are homeless and living on the streets. Due to the financial struggles of the people, this has caused many adults to abandon their children to fend for themselves. The children are forced to live on the street and potentially die a very young age due to malnutrition, be forced into human trafficking, become addicted to drugs, work for organizations that use violence against people, or want to overthrow a government.


AGI's ultimate goal is to see a child reunited with an immediate family member. If a family member is located, we will work alongside and assist them with finding ways for them to be self-sufficient and teach them ways how to be a good provider for the child. In some cases, the child may have to be placed in a transition home until a foster family is found or a local adoption can take place. 


Clean drinking water

There are many villages throughout Zambia that do not have access to clean water. This situation has caused multiple outbreaks of diseases amongst the communities and led to multiple deaths. This has been an on-going issue worldwide and it has put a strain on the World Health Organization. Currently, AGI has been digging water wells in Zambia and getting the people much needed water. Water wells are not only essential to the overall health of the people, but it allows AGI to construct water towers and irrigation systems. This will allow the villagers to grow their crops in the event of a drought.  

Educational Needs

AGI believes that every child in Zambia deserves a proper education and an opportunity to graduate from school. AGI has already began shipping school supplies to the country and will continue to do this for years to come. These school supplies include the following: Book, pencils, markers, computer monitors, notebooks, and paper. AGI is in the beginning stages of developing a relationship with the Ministry of Education in Zambia. AGI will work alongside the government and find ways to assist them with building education centers and bringing various forms of technology that will improve a child's education. Providing a quality education to a child will not only help them become successful, but it will improve their quality of life. This will also give them an opportunity to get out of poverty.

Humanitarian Aid

We have already assisted many villages throughout Zambia with funding to build much-needed projects that will enhance the quality of life. Some of the projects that we have completed are the construction of chicken houses. AGI will construct projects such as piggery's, cattle farms, and dairy farms all throughout Zambia. AGI will work with villages to sustain cooperatives and a self-sustaining business.


AGI takes donations of all sorts and ships them once there is enough to fill a 55 gallon barrel. These items include the following: Medications, clothes, food, toys, and books.



AGI provides healthcare needs to the people of Zambia living in poverty. This includes providing medications and tending to the sick. Providing healthcare for people will always be beneficial to a nation. This will improve the quality of life for the people and bring them hope.


If medical assistance is needed in a village that requires treatment other than over the counter medications, this will only be conducted by volunteers that are selected by the AGI's Board of Directors.

Law Enforcement Training

AGI provides training pertaining to American law enforcement techniques. This training empowers officers to be more effective when addressing crime while at the same time, keeping the citizens they serve safer. AGI teaches the officers about the importance of community policing and developing a positive relationship with the citizens they serve. This also includes combating gender-based violence. AGI believes that no citizen should ever be discriminated against due to their gender, sex, race, beliefs, or disabilities. AGI is an advocate for community policing and believes that it takes the police and the citizens working together to combat crime. One of the commanders for Zambia Police is a current board member for AGI/Zambia. He has been crucial with assisting AGI to get all of the necessary permits and permissions to operate in the country.

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Construction of Suitable Housing

Many villagers including children that live in the bush of Zambia, do not have suitable housing. Due to the lack of funding and employment opportunities, some villagers are unable to build themselves a home. AGI has already begun assisting local Zambians with the construction of a new home and will continue to do this for years to come. 

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